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Little Learners Preschool's Philosophy of Learning

Little Learners Preschool’s goal is to provide a caring and positive atmosphere in which we create a warm and happy place for preschoolers to learn.  We strive to bridge the gap between home and school as we guide our preschoolers to a continued positive self – image, while building social skills in a school setting.


A year spent at the Little Learners Preschool is a time of a growing awareness of self, others, and environment.  We focus on it being a time to explore, investigate, discover, and experience through various activities, to enrich the lives of the preschoolers during their third, fourth, and fifth years of life.


Our preschool is based on the theory children learn through play and exploration.  Our classroom activities encourage active involvement and meaningful experimentation.  The schedules are designed to balance structure and free choice, as well as active and quiet times.


We recognize each child is a unique individual. We work from the level of each child and move forward one step at a time. We focus on love of learning by encouraging each child to experience their own stage of development and help them feel success, without pressure.


Parents are encouraged to take part in their preschooler’s learning experience. Sharing special talents or vocations, reading the monthly calendar with your child, and helping in the classroom are all great ways to be involved. This lays an important foundation that will continue throughout your child’s educational process.

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